Study of molecular and biological, biochemical, physiological and systemic bases of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of farm and other animals caused by noninfectious agents and opportunistic microorganisms.
Identification of regularities in the relationship between the state of the ecosystem of the village and the morbidity of productive animals.
Study of the role and state of the body’s resistance and general metabolic mechanisms in case of a nosologically differentiated pathology, the course of diseases and their outcome.
Development of methods for predicting the occurrence, assessing the nature of the course and outcome of diseases.
Development of scientific and technical foundations for the design of integrated systems for ensuring the veterinary welfare of animal husbandry.
Scientific substantiation and methodical support of veterinary pharmacological policy in the Russian Federation.
Design of highly effective pharmacological drugs and biologically active substances for the prevention, treatment of diseases, preservation and improvement of animal productivity.
Development of forecasts, comprehensive programs and systems of measures to ensure sustainable veterinary well-being of the country, form healthy herds of high-yield animals and obtain high-quality livestock products and maintain the ecological well-being of the village.
Development and improvement of the methodical level of fundamental and applied research on the pathology of metabolism, reproduction and mammary gland, diseases of young animals, adaptation and stress, pharmacology, toxicology, biotechnology, ecology and environmental protection.