Scientific events

  1. National student scientific and practical conference

“Integration of Scientific Research

in the field of modern veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and ecology”

(March 02, 2022) indexed in Scopus, WoS

  1. 2022 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show

(March 22 is the last day for abstract submission)

  1. International scientific and practical conference

“From modernization to advanced development:

ensuring competitiveness and scientific leadership of the agroindustrial complex”

(March 24-25) with indexing in Scopus, WoS

  1. All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, postgraduate students and students

“Youth Science 2022: Technology, Innovation”

(March 28 – April 1)

  1. VIII international scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists in foreign languages

“Actual problems of agricultural science, production and education”

(April 14)

  1. International scientific and practical conference

“Agricultural science in the context of modernization and digital development of the agroindustrial complex of Russia”

(April 14)

  1. V International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists

“Youth science: challenges and prospects”

(April 14)

  1. XII International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Agrarian science and education at the present stage of development: experience, problems and ways to solve them”

(April 14-15)

  1. All-Russian (national) thematic scientific and practical conference

“Agroindustrial complex: problems and development prospects”

(April 20-21)

  1. V International scientific and practical conference

“Priority vectors for the development of industry and agriculture”

(April 21)

  1. CFSA 2022: II International Research Conference

for food safety and agriculture

(May 12-13) with indexing in Scopus, WoS

  1. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation

“Fundamental and applied aspects of microbiology in science and education”

(May 25-26, 2022)

  1. International scientific and practical conference

(June 8-9, 2022) indexed in Scopus, WoS“Ecological well-being of flora and fauna”

  1. XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference

“Scientific Basis for Productivity, Animal Health and Food Security”

(FSBSI KSCZVM, June 15-17) with indexing in Scopus, WoS

  1. II International scientific and practical conference

“SPbVet.Science – Conference 2022”

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the departments of obstetrics, therapy and clinical diagnostics

(September 20-24)

16.ESDAR Conference 2022

(March 31 is the last day for abstract submission, September 28 – October 2)

  1. International scientific and practical conference

“Post-genomic technologies in ensuring health and increasing the productivity of farm animals and poultry”

(November 17-19)

  1. International scientific conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists of agricultural universities

“Knowledge of the young for the development of veterinary medicine and the country’s agroindustrial complex”