Laboratory of hematology and biochemistry

Head of the Laboratory – Chusova Galina Germanovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Principal Scientific Associate, ORCID 0000-0003-1494-8807

Laboratory staff

The laboratory staff is working on

  • the laboratory testing of blood, urine, milk, rumen content, fodders;
  • the study of various types of metabolism: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals (micro- and macroelements) in the body of animals;
  • the assessment of the state of metabolism, functions of individual organs and body systems;
  • allows to make a diagnosis;
  • allows to monitor the efficacy of treatment;
  • allows timely identifying the prevailing and concomitant diseases;
  • allows to imagine the essence of the pathological process, the course of the disease, its outcome.

Research area

  • The use of unified methods is necessary when performing scientific research in the field of veterinary medicine.
  • Carrying out preventive measures.
  • Ensuring optimal metabolic status and animal health.